How to keep healthy your skin while you are in quarantine

As we all are going through self isolation following the worldwide corona virus pandemic, our body is now adjusting to a new routine. The largest organ in our body is Skin, might also have a hard time figuring out what is happening and freak out in one way or another. 

Sleeping is imperative for your overall healthy life. Healthy sleeping behavior includes falling asleep easily within 15 to 20 mints of lying down to sleep regularly sleeping for a total of  7 to 9 hours in a day having continuous sleep and not having long periods of lying awake when you wish to be sleeping, and waking up feeling fresh and alert.If you do not get enough sleep, your body will release more cortisol, the stress hormone that can cause acne or psoriasis.

Working out will help your body to burn cortisone, which is a good way to reduce stress and help keep your skin clear. However, remember to immediately take a shower after work out.

Wear moisturizer, Many dermatologists have predicted that people would sit around in air conditioned rooms more often than in pre-corona virus times. This can cause your skin to be exposed to dry air for a longer time.

Do not go too far without skincare, You should brace yourself with an experimental skincare routine now that you have so much time on your hands. Use skin masks, peels and exfoliates only with caution.

All of that exfoliating and peeling affects your skin’s acid mantle. You have good bacteria and bad bacteria. You do not want to get rid of all your good stuff. If you over treat your PH level go up and that can lead to skin problems. If you over wash, you are stripping the natural oils, so your skin will start producing more.

Moisturize your hands, The number one COVID-19 preventive measure is to wash your hands so naturally, by now, you will be washing your hands more often than you used to. However, always remember to moisturize your hands after washing.

With the lock down being in effect it might be harder to purchase your skincare supplies. you still can make your own skincare with things you may find in your kitchen. We can use coconut oil to help with eczema and blocked pores. Some doctors have also recommended castor oil, which is a source of triglycerides, ricinoleic, and other fatty acids. Triglycerides help retain moisture in the skin while ricinoleic works as an anti inflammatory agent.


